1 May 2009

hello hand puppets

...with all that open ended art, I just had to make something from all those lovely painted newspaper pages!! Although I havent documented each step, this is so easy to follow and fun and takes about 15 mins depending on how co-operative your mooch is :).....
...from newspaper to hand puppet. You can use any kinds of papers, newspapers (which we painted and drew on the day before), old paintings, shopping bags, wrapping papers etc......we drew faces on another piece of paper (a dog and a man) and roughly cut out the faces and the shape of the puppet.

...I then used the zigzag stich to first sew on the faces and then sew both sides of the puppet. It was actually much easier than sewing fabric.....maybe my little 'D'lite' is meant for paper?! I added some old paper bag detail to the bottom of the 'dog' and some black 'hair' to the man, using an old jumper. I didnt spend a lot of time planning this project but as you can see with a little bit of time and thought beyond this, the results could be fantastic!!

..a bit of playtime in the grassy garden....puppets are pretty durable considering they are made out of newspaper.....

..and then come cuddles for Long Long....its definantly whippet weather :)


阪戸みほ Miho Sakato said...

Very Cute! nice work!


Ungt blod said...

such a perfect whippet picture