This was the lucky last shot before my battery died but captures a small moment of quiet where its just me and the hound dog. He seems to wonder where his friends have gone since now, almost all day he has only himself for company. On the other hand, I have made a lot of new friends and so has Mooey. I am enjoying work, a new routine, a new schedule and what I have discovered, a new way to measure myself...the way I do and see things and the way my perspective has changed and how much I have grown up. So quickly into an international move and starting of full time work have I been able to see forwards and backwards. I feel lucky to have had the chance to slip in and out of two lives and now more than ever, I feel how much having a child has changed my life and what I believe is important. Before returning to this work, I felt a lot of what if's but now they are I know's and it isn't that bad at all! No, I am not old and rusty, in fact, I am a much more diligent, less competitive (in a good way), well balanced, mature and well rounded worker than ever. I have much more to manage and worry about than before and probably I am much more productive (but its only been two weeks so its hard to measure my productivity when I still do not know who's who and where the paper is kept).....hahahaa~I no longer sweat the small stuff and accept mistakes are part of learning and getting to know people takes time and dedication but has many, many rewards. My job content is very easy, its really just regurgitating information in a nice way, but it is enjoyable, and I like the people I work with and that is the most I can ask for.
Outside my new schedule, I have tried to keep organised with spending time with Mooch/food/bringing my lunch to work/cooking/cleaning/exercise/drawing...oh yes, my husband.....yes, him too...... and try to keep to a 9pm curfew..yes, its very early, I know....its only temporary until I get my full mojo....and seems to keep me awake at 3pm...which is the whole point of doing it. And, overall, I have kept up with all the tasks, except exrecise, which makes me feel like a I have made a new commitment and think I can keep it......along with the 2 chocolate frogs a day policy...of course ;)
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