24 September 2007

making stuff for a journey

Since I have been in sewing mode I thought I would make a little present for a friend who is going on a fantastic trip to Peru. I wanted to make a little pouch to keep a pen and notebook together, as they seem to get easily separated when pulling things in and out of your travel bag. So, I made this little pouch with a ribbon tie. I hope it lasts the trip as some of the stitches are a bit wobbly. I also made a couple of clothes bags, ones that you use to put your clothes/shoes etc into then put them in your case/bag. I have found them to be so useful for keeping things organised and when looking for something you just pull out the bag, not all the clothes spilling all over the floor. It also acts a security layer and for those gentle handed baggage handlers, not, if your bag happens to get droppeed and fall open, all your undies are privately organised into bags!! Now I'm getting excited I want to go too.
I have realised that doing something like sewing at night when little boy has gone to sleep is so much better for my brain than watching TV. It requires thinking and creativity and its fun. What more could I ask for?!

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