20 November 2007

cool stuff I noticed

This is so great but no doubt comes about as a result of revolting pervy guys. I have become accustomed to several of the things I once thought so new and weird however, I still saw some new, cool things. Also, as stated in very large signs at all stations, one should not rush to catch a train in case you get stuck in the door and also because about 2 minutes later there will be another train, so dont stress dude.....well, you do need to be decisive when catching a train that is already in the station. We kind of didnt have the team action going and my two most precious peoples got on and I was kind of getting on with the door of both the station and the train closing on my arms, my hands inside the train, body on the platform. I could just see my loved ones taking off without me and gee whizz did I find some superhuman strength to rip those doors apart and get inside. This is not really the done thing, in addition I think I made a big grunt coz the whole carriage looked up and me and kind of tut tutted (ie: dumb foreigner-did you not see the signs about rushing?....). OK, so I sat down with my loved ones, so glad to be together, a bit shaken and feeling a bit silly too. But then my biggest loved one put his arm around me and gave me a hug and said dont worry I see this happen to other people all the time. What a legend!! Next time, the other train story, one very loud, screaming (hysterical) baby (mine) in a very small crowded carriage....I think I can get used to the Tokyo subway, maybe.

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