20 March 2008

bits and bobs

This is my latest craze. Paper cutting. It is very easy and the results are beautiful. I am making a new card range and many of them feature these paper cuts. I am also updating my webiste so will post the link when it is done. I still feel like life is balanced, even after saying that the other day, which usually puts a jinx on the balance issue. I think I discovered why. The mooch now sleeps all night long almost every night without fail and I go to bed fairly early (I also eat very well -lots of Japanese foods- and exercise, dont drink or smoke...that helps too). The combination of these things means I have plenty of rest and can deal with any issues/dramas/tantrums/messes/stuff that arises during the day and still have energy to be creative. I am so happy as it took a long time to train the little mini to sleep all night!! Good boy!! :) I had a dinner with the Mums and teachers from the daycare centre. It was so much fun. I was surprised that most of the Mums are Japanese and just a couple of us foreigners thrown in. Their company was beautiful, they are such quiet, yet strong women. We talked a lot about birth and kids related things.....probably boring if you dont have kids...the karate teachers also came along, yes, they have karate lessons once a week...so cute....... It is amazing how the attitude towards birth in Japan is so different to Australia. I was told that they are encouraged to not ask for pain relief, in fact it is discouraged and there are strict times when it is administered (if at all) so if you require it during a time that is not the scheduled time, then you go without. Pain must be felt to be a good mother.....wow...I was also told in the past generations you were not to make any sounds and just bear the pain and get on with the birth. One woman's mother was berating her for making so much noise!! There is a word called 'gaman' and it basically means strength. It is used in many different ways but especially in this case, it is the inner strength women need when lying in agony. They are told to 'have strength'!! One lady told me in her ante natal class of 41 women, she was the only one who asked for pain relief. I guess it is just how things are done. If you are prepared and know what to expect it makes things a bit eaiser to deal with, perhaps not in terms of pain.
I have bought a couple of kids books lately, maybe more for myself than mini mooch. This one above is one of the most beautifully designed books I have seen. It is about animals and colours. As you can see you turn the first page to which has a question "It has a big body....what is it" and the sound it makes, then you turn the page and the shape is cut out with the answer. It is so cute.

I have a couple more books to share and will add them when I photograph them.

Today Tokyo forgot it was Spring. It was 6 degrees at 2.30pm. It has rained all day long. When you buy something they wrap the bag with a plastic bag to stop it from getting wet...

What makes a rainy day brighter? Cake!! And look at these beauties. They come by the slice and are a good as they look. These cakes are special to Comme ca cafe

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