25 June 2008

sunny afternoon

Summer is here and you just have to deal with rainy season. Mould is evil. It grows everywhere, in towels, damp clothes, in your bed, damp teatowels, kitchen sponges, anywhere there is moisture, the mould and smell appears. On the upside there is every cleaning product conceivable to combat these nasty smelling black spots, or grey or green.....being a Melbournian I never have to worry about any moisture in the air at home. The dry summers mean your belongings last a lot longer than they do in Asia. Leather shoes, handbags, unworn clothes, anything that is not used a lot grows mould....lucky I got rid of a lot of stuff before moving here! To be sure I have put a lot of the small canisters of moisture absorbing gels in all our cupboards and then some moth ball things to stop any nasty beasts who want to feast on our mouldy stuff....I hope this does the trick...

In the meantime, the sun does shine and the air dries out and we can go and play in the local fountain. The really nice thing about this place is that all the other local kids come here to play. There is no real water for young kids to play in. The pool does not allow children who are not toilet trained/under 2 (dont get me started about that logic).....so we all just hang out here and splash and play. It is a very nice atmosphere despite being located just metres from one of the busiest roads in Tokyo...and you can bring the dog....who licks the water...

A kid asked me if Long Long was pregnant. Mistaking his huge rib cage for a belly, I thought it was such a clever question. My Japanese provided an explanation but Im not sure how good it was. I need to find the word for 'ribs' and 'lungs'......

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