5 August 2007

day at the zoo

Here is my big darling telling my little darling about the brown bear...

Little houses filled with wooden and clay animals.

We went to the zoo to see some animals but were just as impressed with the beatutful landscaping and general surrounds. This has inspired me to create my garden at home to be like this part of the zoo, it might take some time, but to create such a pretty and relaxing place cant be a bad thing to do. I made a picnic lunch with rough cut egg and salad sandwiches, a fruit bun and some fruit. We sat and ate them on this big wooden chair in the afternoon sunshine. It was such a lovely and simple way to spend a few hours. The highlight was to see so many animals all up and about including the meercat, lemur and orang utan. I think one of my favourite animals is the hairy nosed wombat

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