2 August 2008

my window

In case you thought it was all doom and gloom here, there is some prettiness and brightness here and there :) this is my sill over the kitchen sink. It looks out over the next doors house so you need some kind of window cover. This doily helps to get some light inside but provides some privacy too!! The small bottles are from a very nice 'free gift' that some milk sales rep dropped off the other day. Maybe only in Japan would you get so many samples for free and delivered to your door by a very polite person. The idea is if you like the product you fill out the catalogue (which came with the samples) and then they deliver your order twice a week (and pick up the empty bottles). Nifty.....if I liked the samples that is..........yoghurt drinks have never been on the top of my yumness list.........great service though....

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