11pm go to bed (after wasting 2 hours watching Chaser and We Can Be Heros on You Tube)
11.01pm Mooch is very restless and I can hear him bumping his head on the wall.....eventually I hear him get up and out of the bed (which took him 3 seconds to figure out) and come into bed with me
12.47am Mooch still restless and neither of us alseep
1.34am Mooch is back in his own bed, whining and eventually comes back into bed with me around 3am....
4.47am mooch wakes up and tells me "Mummy get up too?"....yeh right!! I hiss at him that its too early for an old bag like me and a young mooch like him to be getting up and he lays down quietly next to me for about 30 mins then softly chats about what he can hear outside and other random words from the day before.....
5.56am get up......immediately drink 2 espresso coffees
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