10 March 2009

a normal day...

is just being a mama........but something I am able to truly value in this moment...and not in future look back and realise I didn't maximise every moment. I have worked hard to try and enjoy this moment (mostly) and when I'm not, to actively get back here....y'know, even mid tantrum, to just think how quickly time passes and life goes on. My loved one said the other night ' the older you get, the less time you realise you have' (this was in the context of him being a successful rockstar and that he might not have time, in this lifetime to achieve that!!)....and if you if you know him, you know how funny that is :P...but it is true. The mooch needs me less and less to and to allow him to grow I also have to grow up too. Of course, he is only two so he does need me for many things but when I see teenage boys, esp. in groups I often think of their Mums and how they let go and wonder if they are worrying about their boys, hanging out, getting into mischief, learning to be an adult, etc....?......and then I think how soon it will be that this kid of mine will be that snot nosed teenager and then I can no longer call him the mooch......until that time I am focused doing all the things I hoped to do with him and let him know Im always here, then when the time is right, I will get back to doing more things for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such truth in your words. I feel the same....