7 February 2008

Day 9 & 10 - niceness

Hooray I found a place that sells nice coffee, but it doesnt open until 11am and the coffee is $6 for one cup, so I guess I will be going every second day....it is in a nice place and is very quiet and has a gallery upstairs. Through this cafe I found out about this magazine called Bien Fait
so I hope to get a copy the next time Im in the bookshop (or hanging around the kids playroom at the department store-the magazine section is next door)...
The sun was shining today as we could play a lot. The playpark at the end of street backs onto a major interstate but when it is sunny and kids are all having fun you dont really notice all the traffic sounds.

This is a typcially manicured tree which lines one of the areas we have found to walk in the mornings. It is traffic free and has lots of trees. Kind of like a big version of bonsai. I found myself today dejavu-ing when in the middle of having a weird Japanese conversation. I am so rusty, so in the post office I realised she was looking at me in such a weird way because I was asking for a postage stamp for my mural. I meant my postcard...oops. The words are similar c'mon................ he-ki-ga (mural) ha-ga-ki (postcard).........xxx

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