28 February 2008

Day 27-29 - never ending city of cuteness

All of a sudden it got warmer then it got very cold and then the wind arrived. Some days it is so windy the pram literally takes off, people's hats blow off and crowds are huddled inside their coats and scarves while waiting to cross the road. I have not been riding the snoop mobile during these windy days as I am sure I will blow over, even though it easier to ride and balance with the mooch on the front basket than I thought it was going to be. This city never ends and its true it also never sleeps. I have not lived in a really big city. Melbourne is not a big city compared to this big city. I love my small big city Melbourne and even more I love that is was designed using the grid system. A nice, organised, symmetrical grid. Tokyo is literally a rabbit warren of curved, criss crossing and hilly streets, imagine a bowl of noodles and thats what the downtown map looks like. In addition, land space is at a premium so most businesses and restaurants and shops are found in multi level sky scrapers. Just to go to the bank I needed to go to the 24th floor. I like learning about how a city is made up, what is natural for so many people and still seems so foreign to me. The cool thing is, every time I get lost, or turn another corner, I find something new. It is very exciting. I get the feeling that you could spend many years here and still have that happen.

I found these wooden cut outs today. They also had some very cute animals but I thought I needed to stick to the things that are big enough not to put in the mouth of a child. These cut outs are approx 4-5cm high. Never ending cuteness.

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