Getting used to this life is wonderful and as tiring as everyone says it is. Days go by, it feels like Wednesday but its actually Friday, nights seems to go by so quickly when getting up at all kinds of odd hours. It is 4 weeks today since the birth, in some ways it feels like a heartbeat, other measures seem like its been a long time. X-mas has come and gone without much impact. We both grow to love this little creature more and more everyday, which I thought not possible to do since we already love him so much :) he is a good kid, but recently developed this hobby called crying...yes, it is as frustrating as we have been told, because you often do not know why. It is wonderful though when he is soothed by a hug, feed or just some kind words and stroke of his head. Being a Mum is quite cool but I still dont really feel like a "Mum". I'm sure this will come in good time, 4 weeks is not long to adjust to a new responsibility, role, title and societal member.
29 December 2006
Getting used to this life is wonderful and as tiring as everyone says it is. Days go by, it feels like Wednesday but its actually Friday, nights seems to go by so quickly when getting up at all kinds of odd hours. It is 4 weeks today since the birth, in some ways it feels like a heartbeat, other measures seem like its been a long time. X-mas has come and gone without much impact. We both grow to love this little creature more and more everyday, which I thought not possible to do since we already love him so much :) he is a good kid, but recently developed this hobby called crying...yes, it is as frustrating as we have been told, because you often do not know why. It is wonderful though when he is soothed by a hug, feed or just some kind words and stroke of his head. Being a Mum is quite cool but I still dont really feel like a "Mum". I'm sure this will come in good time, 4 weeks is not long to adjust to a new responsibility, role, title and societal member.
22 December 2006
santa got it right
17 December 2006
I'm here

Here's my reason for not posting too much. I willl post when I can. Being a new Mum is wonderful and exciting and tiring. Recovering from the birth is just the beginning, breast feeding is difficult and painful but I am determined that I will use this method to feed my baby. Luckily this little guy doesnt cry too much so life has not been too stressful just yet!!! We are very happy and trying to make sure our darling Long Long doesnt feel too left out. To describe my first two weeks, happy, calm, very stressed, uncontrollably sad and weepy, uncontrollably happy, in love, gentle and kind. I dont think this is hormones alone. It is the realisation of the responsibility of this whole, entire life, that is now mine to shape and care for, for the rest of my life.
1 December 2006
a little break

As for the baby room, well, I calculated about 7 days work on the cot alone.....and still not happy. We were still screwing it together this morning. So the room is clean and clear and we have a total of a chest of a drawers and a cot. No mural or coloured walls or groovy handmade mobiles as I had planned.....I still have those plans but will integrate them in my new life.
We are both very excited and cannot wait to meet our little boy. All the things left undone can wait as this is by far the most important thing I have done.
28 November 2006
jingle bells

27 November 2006
accidental cuteness

The wok is also an excellent buy. It has now been seasoned with lard and had an innaugural feast cooked in it which consisted of lobster with ginger, garlic, shallot, spring onion, some other chinese flavours, salt and pepper. Not a bad Sunday night dinner.
I plan to see Borat tonight which it seems is all very wrong but a funny escape from a week of growing anxiety. It wasnt until a few years ago that I even knew that Kazakhstan existed as a place . I was working in Japan and walked into my friends office one day for morning tea. There was a guy there who I assumed was Japanese as he looked Asian, but he was actually from Kazakhstan. I remember being really shocked. That meeting fuelled my fascination with the spread of ethnicity over borders and the mixing of ethnicity, cultures and religions. I think it is especially interesting in those parts of the world. Here is some more info.
24 November 2006
little clothes

23 November 2006

WIP news on the garage reno. Finally we have a lot of movement towards being complete!!! Yay, it has been such a long project and finally we are near the end. As you can see it is lovely and bright in the afternoon, so perfect for thinking, drawing, napping and a glass of wine to chill out. Next on the agenda is to finish painting the walls, get the carpet and blinds installed and then its ready to move in furniture (which we will buy later). Once this is done we can start on the baby room. We will have about 2 days before he is due to get it done.....
You can see the cot is in the back of the room, still unpainted and in pieces....its not that I have been lazy it is just onto its 100th coat of paint which just is NOT working as I had hoped........grrr....
22 November 2006

I made blueberry muffins for brekky and they actually taste like muffins, not like little rock cakes made from cement. They will surely give me some energy to make all my X-mas decoration birdies like the one above. It is simply made from (and this is after much huffing, puffing, procrastinating, trialling, experimenting and frustration) from a single black line drawing scanned into photoshop with each one with a different colour and texture and some have text. They are then, full colour laser printed on thick paper and then mounted on card with a small thread at the top for hanging. They are fiddly but will look great on the tree and excellent for the X-mas dec swap.
For those in Australia, has anyone been watching Geldof in Africa on Tuesday nights on ABC? It would have to be one of the most moving and articulate shows I have seen in a long time. Those outside Oz can reference more info here.
21 November 2006
red and pink

20 November 2006
working bee

The garage reno had a huge helping hand on the weekend thanks to the efforts of my sister and brother in law joining in to help get things moving. We managed to complete the rendering of the walls inside, prime and paint the ceiling and prime and paint the doors and windows inside and out. A massive thanks to the guys. There are just a few jobs left to do over the next two weeks but I'm sure it will all be done in time for the delivery of little Pei which is now confirmed for 1st December.
17 November 2006
15 November 2006
happy birthday

Did I mention that for the last few months I have been addicted to ice? No, not the drug but the frozen stuff......a possible explanation
14 November 2006
mongrel mo
I first noticed this mo in Nick Cave's image fairly recently, but he can carry it off, and no doubt it will be or already has gone. As for the rest of the guys, maybe not......The whole facial hair thing is such a personal choice but I cannot see how THAT kind of facial hair would be a conscious choice. It just seems weird to see a young guy with a mo. I know its totally normal in many other parts of the world for young guys to have mo's (but do you notice even when young guys come to Australia, from especially sub continent countries, the mo lasts about 2 days, never to be seen again). Maybe it is a fashion thing that goes hand in hand with another fashion bubble I seem to have missed which are those white pimp shoes.
I am struggling to find a good image of this mongrel mo but I'm sure you know what I mean.
13 November 2006
not long now

In other creative news, project #1 and #2 are coming along SLOWLY..............the garage reno is reliant at the moment on a tradesman to do carpentry jobs and until he does it we cant go onto the next very frustrating waiting for him to show up, often much later than agreed....
The baby room is then reliant on the reno being it stands, it keeps getting more full of all my craft making bits and pieces and less looking like a room for a small human being........I really hope I do not go into labour early and we stick to the schedule.....c'mon c'mon
9 November 2006

I will post my image later for Illustration Friday. This week is 'smoke'.
7 November 2006
out of step
That said, I am beginning to understand what 'heavily pregnant' means and why people refer to it in the last weeks. You just feel heavy. My darling and I went to the Melbourne institution of Lebanese food last night called Abla's. Was soooooooooo delicious (most creamy, wonderful hummus and homemade lemonade with rose water) but somehow through the dinner, it was like a rip cord had been pulled on my body. I took my shoes off during dinner but they didnt seem to fit when it was time to feet had swollen about 2 sizes. My stomach being squashed at the moment frustrated me as I can only eat small amounts, but I know that only an hour or more after I will be hungry 4 am I'm sitting on the couch eating a bowl of sustain :(
So, I'm just happy to be out of the loop for the day. I'm looking for a decenct don buri today, I wonder if any places will be open?
3 November 2006
flip flop topsy turvy

2 November 2006
1 November 2006

31 October 2006
it is decided

Will post the results of my new directions in colour and shape.....
30 October 2006
xmas ornament swap


My belly is still growing and little pumpkin might be delivered early (like up to 2 weeks!!)through c-section as he is still upside down. I will know for sure in the next few weeks. In the meantime, I need to keep on with project #1 and #2. While I was having a nana nap on the weekend my mind was going crazy with all kinds of ideas, I hope to eventuate at least one of them soon. I will add a post about my xmas decoration development/experimentation later.
26 October 2006
illustration friday - ghost

I am a sucker for very bright colours, my favourites are red and pink, and lots of black outlines. I am limiting myself to muted tones and layers for this painting. I will post the progress so you can keep me on track if I am straying into those comfortable colours.
25 October 2006
found object
24 October 2006
in loving memory
22 October 2006
20 October 2006
19 October 2006
illustration friday - smitten

This image is available as a card from my website, along with the girly pink version
pet project #1 and #2

I have set myself the task of 2 projects. One is to create the baby room which currently is the top photo, the other is the renovation of the garage into a studio/retreat, which is the lower photo. As you can see, there is some work to be done. There are grand plans ahead and a time frame to work with. I am quite excited as I have never done a DIY on the house before. Of course, carpenters and other tradies have been enlisted to do the hard bits but as for the decoration, thats up to me, with help from the labourer (my darling husband).
18 October 2006
some lovely colours

17 October 2006
my market day

I had a very sunny and fun market day on Sunday. I must thank all my dear friends, family and darling husband for helping lug gear and keep me company. It was a sunny day and a good experience. I think it will be the only stall I have as it is a long day. You can still buy all my goods through my website. I made the above magnets for market day. They are a combination of recycled kimono (that I bought back from Japan myself) and felt and I have some available through my website. They were especially popular with kids and can also be worn as a brooch!!! I met some lovely customers and saw many dogs including whippets which is always a bonus.
13 October 2006
illustration friday - trouble

melbourne international arts festival

12 October 2006
summer comes early

11 October 2006
christmas cards 2006

10 October 2006
Chinese New Year cards 2007

7 October 2006
craft market stall

The market is located in the Commonwealth reserve in Williamstown, for directions you can look here
The market runs from 10am to 4pm. I hope you can come along.
Keep your fingers crossed for a pure beauty day of clear, bright sunshine and no wind :)
5 October 2006
illustration friday - quiet

This weeks theme is "quiet". I took inspiration from watching my darling dog sleeping, how peaceful and relaxed he looks. Can you guess what he might be listening to?
morning mayhem

What do you do in this situation, except tell the person their dog needs to be dealt with? The owner did not offer any help, maybe she was just as shocked as me? I havent decided on a nasty dog strategy yet, but I will develop one, should it ever happen again and instead of having a sook, I can do something useful, like kick it in the head!!
29 September 2006
coffee and cards
27 September 2006
summer sky